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Nacaome DamNacaome DamNacaome DamNacaome Dam
Project Highlights
Sector water and energy
Country Honduras
Progress completed
Construction from 1993; to: 2001

The project involved the construction of a combined gravity dam, made of RCC (volume of 360,000m³)  and rock (volume of 250,000m³), measuring 48 metres in height and 295 metres in length.

The upstream face is water-proofed using PVC (7,000m2) while the reservoir has a capacity of 40 million m³. 71 km of waterworks and 8.5 km of sewers and plants were built to irrigate 2,500 hectares of land.

The reservoir was completed with a hydroelectric plant and a pumping substation to provide pressure for the water to be distributed through the local network.