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Astaldi S.p.A., pursuant to art. 144–novies, subsection 1-bis, letters a) and b) of the Issuers’ Regulation and of Recommendations 6 and 9 of the Italian Corporate Governance Code, following the Company’s Shareholders’ Meeting held on 29 April 2021, in which, inter alia, in ordinary session, the new Board of Statutory Auditors, as well as a new BoD’s member, were appointed, announces that the Company’s Board of Directors, which met today, verified that the independence requirements provided for by the Consolidated Finance Act and by the Italian Corporate Governance Code for listed companies are met as regards the Standing Auditors Marco Tabellini (Chairman), Giuseppina Pisanti, Piero Nodaro, as well as the newly-appointed BoD’ member Barbara Premoli.

Furthermore, the Board of Directors, as a result of the new composition approved by the Shareholders’ Meeting held on 29 April 20121, resolved (i) to supplement the Control and Risk Committee appointing as a member Barbara Premoli, and (ii) to supplement the Appointments and Remuneration Committee appointing as a member Raffaella Leone and appointing as Chairman David Morganti.

Therefore, the afore-mentioned internal committees are composed as follows:

  • Control and Risk Committee: Nicoletta Mincato (Chairwoman), Daniela Montemerlo, Barbara Premoli;
  • Appointments and Remuneration Committee: David Morganti (Chairman), Nicoletta Mincato, Raffaella Leone.


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Last updated: May 05 2021