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Project Highlights
Sector railways and subways
Country Italy
Location Naples – Acerra – Cancello
Type of Contract EPC
Contract value EUR 397 million, of which 40% Astaldi share
Customer ITALFERR S.p.A.
Contractor Astaldi (with a 40% interest) as part of a consortium with Salini Impregilo (leader, 60%)
Progress in progress
Construction from 2018

The project commissioned by ITALFERR S.p.A. involves the first section of the Naples-Bari HS/HC railway line and plays a strategic role within the overall reorganisation of the complete line. The works involving the section between Naples and Cancello, will make it possible for the line’s tracks to serve the new Naples-Afragola station which, in the future, will become the station for passenger interchange between regional and HS services, increasing the overall accessibility to railway transport in the Naples junction. Construction of the new Acerra station is also planned and two new stops for underground services at Casalnuovo and Centro Commerciale. The route will run for approx. 15.5 km through the areas of Casoria, Casalnuovo, Afragola, Caivano and Acerra.

Upgrading and development of the Naples-Bari route, which forms part of Corridor 5  Scandinavia-Mediterranean of the Trans-European Networks (TEN), is aimed at improving the competitiveness of rail transport and integrating the southeast network with the HS/HC system, as well as increasing the percentage of rail freight transport.